VPS Reselling with WHMCS

With our WHMCS Provisioning Module you can easily resell our Cloud servers to your customer.


  1. A WHMCS 7.3.0 installation running PHP 5.6.33. The Modul also works with PHP 7.0.

  2. The following PECL Modules must be installed


    These packets can be installed in Centos-6 as follows

    yum install -y http://rpms.remirepo.net/enterprise/remi-release-6.rpm
    yum install -y php56-php-pecl-http php56-php-pecl-raphf php56-php-pecl-propro php56-php-pecl-raphf php56-php-pecl-yaml

    For Centos-7 please use

    yum install -y http://rpms.remirepo.net/enterprise/remi-release-7.rpm
    yum install -y php56-php-pecl-http php56-php-pecl-raphf php56-php-pecl-propro php56-php-pecl-raphf php56-php-pecl-yaml

    All extensions are available for PHP 7, too. Just replace the prefix php56 with your desired version, like php70. The modules must be activated by appending these lines

    extension = raphf.so
    extension = propro.so
    extension = http.so
    extension = yaml.so

    either to the global php.ini or to a php.ini in the user’s home directory.


  1. Download the BK Cloud Module For WHMCS from

  2. Locate and cd into the modules/server directory of your WHMCS installation.

  3. Unpack the tarball here:

    tar xf <path_to>/bkcloud-whmcs.tar.gz

    You will find a new sub-directory named bkcloud. If you unpacked the file as root please don’t forget to chown the new directory and its files to the WHMCS user or set proper file permissions.


  1. Activate your API Key at the Bradler & Krantz customer portal:

  2. In WHMCS when you create a new product switch to the Module Settings tab and select as Module Name “BK Cloud”. Enter the acquired API Key and the API Password.

    ../../../_images/pg05.png ../../../_images/edit-product.png

    Select as “Flavor” one out of the following products you want to resell:

    fid Flavor fid Flavor
    1 Cloud-30 16 Cloud-500
    2 Cloud-50 21 Storage-500
    3 Cloud-100 22 Storage-750
    4 UltraKVM-15 23 Storage-1000
    5 UltraKVM-30 24 Storage-Special
    6 UltraKVM-50 25 Storage-2000
    7 UltraKVM-75 26 Storage-5000
    8 UltraKVM-100 27 Storage-10000
    10 UltraKVM-200 28 Storage-7500
    11 UltraKVM-250 29 Storage-Special-2
    13 UltraKVM-500 30 LowEnd-1
    14 Cloud-200 31 LowEnd-2
    15 Cloud-300    
  3. In order to instantiate a BK Cloud server there are two additional data items must be supplied: The zid and the symname. Create a Configurable Option Group and add the two Options zid | Server Location and symname | Operating System.

    1. The Host nodes reside in different geographical location called zones. Zones are referred to by their zone id (zid). Currently there are the following zones:

      zid zname location
      1 de-dus2 Düsseldorf, Germany, EU
      2 nl-ams1 Amsterdam, The Netherlands, EU
      3 us-lax1 Los Angeles, California, USA
      4 us-dal1 Dallas, Texas, USA
      5 uk-lon1 London, UK
      6 lt-sqq Siauliai, Lithuania
      7 md-kiv Chisinau, Moldovia

      Create for each zone an Option value as:

    2. The Operating System Image

      Operating System Images are referred to by their symname. Internally the images are refereed to by their image id (iid). Currently the following values of iid and symname are defined:

      iid symname iname
      1 CENTOS-6 centos-6 20150811 linux 2015-08-11T13:37:40Z
      2 CENTOS-7 centos-7 20150630 linux 2015-06-30T15:44:09Z
      3 UBUNTU-15.04 ubuntu-certified-15.04 20150807 2015-08-08T04:06:41Z
      4 UBUNTU-12.04 ubuntu-certified-12.04 20150709 linux 2015-07-09T02:44:19Z
      5 DEBIAN-8 20150702 linux 2015-07-02T15:37:02Z
      6 DEBIAN-7 20150702 linux 2015-07-02T15:34:37Z
      7 FEDORA-22 fedora-22 20151015 linux 2015-10-15
      8 UBUNTU-15.10 ubuntu-certified-15.10 20160315 linux 2016-03-15
      9 UBUNTU-14.04 ubuntu-certified-14.04 20160314 linux 2016-03-14
      10 UBUNTU-16.04 ubuntu-certified-16.04 20160922
      11 CENTOS-7 centos-7 20170327 linux zvol 2017-03-27

      Create an Option value for each Operating System Image you want to supply:



In case of a non-existing API Key the server reports “no such apikey”


In case of a wrong API Password the server reports “password does not match”.


The same messages will appear on the client administration pages.